yes, you can stop cursing under your breath, i have moved yet again.
rainy days home alone.
i have absolutely nothing to blog about.
i hung up on weisze and felt bad-
so im calling her again (:
yiyun called me and ranted about-
Bhgc is such a cool name dont you think?
weisze thinks otherwise.
I just called yiyun and there was no connection so i ran around the room finding a spot where there was connection.
and gave up.
i know,it seems like i have nothing better to do then to call people and demanding them to entertain/de-bored me but what the heck.
revision of past homework is not an option for relief of boredom, please.
Labels: but then again, i will go revise.desperation, it cant be helped.
In less than one hour,and being desperate enough i have turned on my computer again,with it's dying battery,and post yet another
stupidmindlesssenseless post.
i hate tuition.ohyesido.let us discuss why.
imagine waking up to a saturday lets say at 10am.In less than an hour,eat your breakfast and go for math tuition.
MATH,mind you.
youre half asleep,hoping that a saturday means more rest.but isnt.
so you mug through algebra and such,not even caring if you understand.
two hours later,you arrive back home and eat lunch.
and in half an hour's time youre back with chinese.
sitting with a stupid smart ass VS guy with perfect pronunciation and having all the stupid chinese cheem questions answered correctly.
youre sitting opposite him,with not even getting one correct,have to pause at every word you read and your dignity of womanhood is about as high as the floor.
your tuition teacher praises him and you just stare at the suddenly interesting scenery outside the window and ignore the two people.
another two hours and more later,YOU'RE FREE.
you run out of your teacher's house and scream "YAY!"
you see,tuitions.they suck.
me head hurts like i've been on the computer for 8 hours straight.
it feels just like a chainsaw sawing into my head and cracking my skull up.
i am not looking forward to 5 hours of tuition, or anything else.
i wanna tear out my lungs and trample on them.
yes,thats exactly what i want to do.
and squash my brain into brain balls and fry them.
im out of panadols.
such a convenience.
im in the lap of this unknown person.the right one.

my sister and i.
im not wearing the peace shirt.
semei houses,
geraldine,me and sis.

Vague memories (:
yesterday i went looking in the photo albums.then came up with photos taken a long long time ago.slept through tuition.i tried taking four mints at a go-
to no avail.
i was dozing of while trying to learn about atoms,molecules,ions,diffusion and osmosis.
who gives a shit,really.
i hate my sister.if you dont have a sister, you should be thankful.
you'll have another bitch in the house.
at least for my house,that is.
dysfunctional people.
my phone is confiscated.
Denise Ling Naomi.
She called at around 12 last night,claiming she could not sleep when i was in the midst of going to sleep.
then we talked about stupid stuff-
until my mum came in.
then TADAA.
Today when she dropped me off at school she was like
Labels: ((:

The key to everything.