Friday, December 7, 2007

fun-ness i havent had in a looong time.

my ears are still ringing.
started off today with wei sze and then went on a rampage trying to find my wallet which i forgot where it was(21 days is a looong time mind you) so after finding it and discovering i was broke i borrowed $10 from my brother.hurts my dignity but no choice :D
then we went to watch golden compass where we were shivering and it was cool.but not one of the best of movies.and it dosent have a proper ending.anyway i need PEOPLE WILLING TO WATCH ENCHNTED WITH ME!I AM IN A DESPO NEED TO WATCH IT!(treating me is allowed of course) (:
went to eat udon and ramen and milo :D went to popular and thing,DIZZY. and all these kids were playing.i felt pai seh but wei sze still young at heart so have to follow her,no choice :D
then met michelle and her friend WHICH IS IN MY CHINESE CLASS AND I THINK KIMBOS FRIEND.we were like OH IT YOOOOOOOU! it IS a small world.michelle has the aussie accent,a little weird a little cool.beth's cousin was there at river life church and i thought beth might be there.all the TKGians were there and all.
it was really cool and literally ear blasting cos we were singing and jumping with glitter,pieces of paper falling everywhere and big balls being bounced around and red,blue,green lights with really loud singing people.AH.
crazy stuff.
everyone was putting their hands up,clapping.some were carried around and-
the phone rings.
i hang up and grins.
and then nothing else happened.just talked alot and screamed alot :D
its 9.10pm now,havent done heymath.



At December 7, 2007 at 5:43 AM , Blogger the concrete girl said...

actually you know the golden compass is an anti-christian movie, but well you already watched it, so cant be helped.

and yes there are many tkgians at riverlife. and yes my cousin is at riverlife. but no i go to bethesda katong church, not riverlife (:

and can you put a tagboard?

At December 8, 2007 at 8:43 AM , Blogger tze lin said...

hey!yt!i watch golden compass today!!very very part 2 leh...i think

At December 8, 2007 at 7:25 PM , Blogger star-dusted filled words. said...

no i cant put a tagboard.i tried and everything got screwed D:
i know golden compass is anit christian but not really the author of the book that is anit christian and the daemon thingy but who cares.because we were too dense to get anything about the anti-christian things in the movie.
and got part 2 lah,tze lin.haha.the ending very lame.

At December 13, 2007 at 6:42 PM , Blogger weisze:D said...

i hate the anti-climatic ending of golden compass. and why are there so many ppl telling us its anti-christian??? even though we're no-brainers, we're not tt dense. and i love the pictures yo (:


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